Spreadsheet vs. Database - Using spreadsheet as a data store... is acceptable only when there are not so many concurrent users, and when the number of records to manage is about a thousand at maximum...

When talking to prospects or even current clients, we were asked all the time why not simply using spreadsheet for storing data.

First, we have to admit spreadsheet is really a terrific software invention because:

However, due to the nature of spreadsheet, some more complicated duties cannot be easily solved by spreahsheets:

In short, using spreadsheet as a data store for any applications is acceptable only when there are not so many concurrent users (e.g. less than 10) and when the number of records to manage is about a thousand at maximum; otherwise, it's strongly recommended to migrate the system to use a database management system as the data store back-end. See more about ourDB

But the next question come to mind - is a database management system expensive? Of course, budget shall be allocated if there is no IT personnel for setting up the basics. However, using open source packages like mySQL or PostreSQL where licensing fee is 100% free, a considerable portion of spending has been saved. See the case of PostgreSQL and mySQL. Want to know more? Feel free to contact us.

Last updated/reviewed: 2017/02/28