Make operation simpler by workflow management - With an web app developed on top of ourDB, Pacific Casualty & General Insurance just started (2017 Mar) to allow end-users to fill in and submit their oversea or inland insurance proposals online through their affiliate packers in Asia, and both the packers and the insurer can manage proposals also online

Pacific Casualty & General Insurance (PCG) is an insurance underwriter specializing in providing coverage to relocation agents and freight forwarding companies who transported domestic goods and personal effects in Asia. With an app developed on top of ourDB, they just started (2017 Mar) to allow end-users to fill in and submit their oversea or inland insurance proposals online through their affiliate packers in Asia, and both PCG and the packers can manage proposals also online, having eliminated a lot of paper works and redundant, time-consuming procedures.

When looking back to the very beginning of the project, there were a lot of challenges:

Having started to run their online insurance proposal system on ourDB, PCG keeps in touch with affiliate packers, as well as mindVan Connection, to on and off review the overall workflow of the whole system and to ensure that the system can meet the operation needs. Thanks to the agile development architecture of ourDB, it's believed that even major amendments in the eyes of business, they are yet minor adjustment from ourDB perspective. Stay tuned with us and more updates about the system are to be posted here.

Last updated/reviewed: 2017/03/28