Whole Person Education Foundation - Bundled with a mobile app, the major publication contents of the Hong Kong NGO advocating mental health are vividly enriched -
 readers are much more engaged with the surveys, videos, chat room and notification reminders within the app

When coming to mobile app development, there is always a debate whether to make a native mobile app or to make an HTML-5 mobile website. Let's have a look then:

  Native App HTML-5 Site
Activation Long and winding - go to App Store or Google Play, locate the app, download, install, open the app and locate the target content Short and simple - with the web link, click and open it with a built-in browser
Development cycle Long Relatively shorter
Platform supported Different app for different platforms - iOS, Android etc.; but not available for desktop One site for different platforms
Cost Expensive: cost usually doubled for iOS and Android Economical: only develop one site
Performance Fast for user interface or interactive elements Relatively slow for loading screens
Push notification Available Available via web browser with a session; can only make use of emailing without a session
Interfacing with device peripherals e.g. camera, mirco-phone, location, accelerometer and other sensors Available Mostly not available, unless interfacing exists via web browser

To strike a balance between the 2 options, a mid-range solution becomes available to bridge the gap:

Therefore, whether to take the mid-range approach very much depends on the clients' requirements. Whole Person Education Foundation "ICAN" mobile app (iOSAndroid) is one of the examples: They released a reference book to promote mental health care to the general public, and yet wanted to engage their readers via other more interactive elements. And of course, time and budget were limited, and so they decided to go for the mid-range approach i.e. to develop an app on both iOS and Android but with a web-view control linking to a mobile site running on ourDB, where different workflows have been designed enabling readers to:

On the other hand, the foundation may log in ourDB backend to:

All in all, having known more about the readers, the foundation can make use the data to improve their publication contents and the events they organize, and everything as a result, to help people in the public strength their mental health and live a better life.

Last updated/reviewed: 2018/03/07