Demo on Designing QuickApp - This demo uses a real solution as an example, showing how a QuickApp is built from idea generation, setting up tables and queries, to finally getting the app published to the public

When thinking about developing an app, we always associate this with coding, Java, PHP, Python, months of programming and development. This is true when we are going to build sophisticated apps requiring fascinating user interface, making use of a lot of external systems' data, running mathematical simulations or models for days and nights. However, in most cases, what we want are simple apps handling our daily routine activities, yet in a secure and organized manner.

In this set of videos, we will show how to turn our idea into a reality, from clicking menus and button into building up an app, without any coding or programming...

  1. Creating master table demo +
  2. Creating transaction table demo +
  3. Setting up groups and permissions demo +
  4. Building up an app demo +
  5. Co-managing datasets among teams demo +
  6. Devising queries demo +
  7. Featuring queries in an app demo +
  8. Submitting an app and sharing it to others demo -
Last updated/reviewed: 2018/10/05