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ourPoll Demo
  1. Activate ourPoll: After signing up as an ourDB member, log in ourDB and click the app icon for ourPoll [demo -]
  2. Create Surveys, Questions and Options: Within ourPoll, create survey questions and options, and lastly activate and publish the survey to the public [demo +]
  3. Edit Surveys: If necessary, edit the survey name, add, edit or delete questions or options. When editing questions or options, activate or deactivate them such that the public cannot see them during survey [demo +]
  4. Take Surveys: When taking the survey, users see and answer one question by one question, and after completing the survey, they can be asked for their personal information e.g. name [demo +]
  5. View Statistics: Lastly surveys owners can return and generate statistical reports on the public responses [demo +]


  • ourPoll is only a skeleton app to demonstrate the power of ourDB for marketing purpose
  • It can be further customized e.g. to generate bar-chart reports, to gather qualitative responses from the public, or to formulate conditional survey questions (i.e. if answer is A for question 2, then automatically jump to question 6)
  • Contact us if a customized online survey for a specific marketing campaign or event is required
ourDB how to
create/design databases, and enter/upload data
build our apps on top of databases with Appages
activate pre-built apps, run and share our apps
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